Jumat, 15 November 2013

[U317.Ebook] Free Ebook Amerika (German Edition), by Franz Kafka

Free Ebook Amerika (German Edition), by Franz Kafka

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Amerika (German Edition), by Franz Kafka

Amerika (German Edition), by Franz Kafka

Amerika (German Edition), by Franz Kafka

Free Ebook Amerika (German Edition), by Franz Kafka

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Amerika (German Edition), by Franz Kafka

Bei diesem Werk handelt es sich um eine urheberrechtsfreie Ausgabe.
Der Kauf dieser Kindle-Edition beinhaltet die kostenlose, drahtlose Lieferung auf Ihren Kindle oder Ihre Kindle-Apps.

  • Published on: 2011-03-28
  • Released on: 2011-03-28
  • Format: Kindle eBook

"That the Statue of Liberty holds a sword instead of a torch and that a bridge connects New York City and Boston unsettle the reading by placing an essentially realist novel close to the realm of fantasy. Hofmann's slick, sleek translation does a wonderful job of keeping those competing forces in balance."

About the Author

Franz Kafka was born to Jewish parents in Bohemia in 1883. Kafka s father was a luxury goods retailer who worked long hours and as a result never became close with his son. Kafka s relationship with his father greatly influenced his later writing and directly informed his Brief an den Vater (Letter to His Father). Kafka had a thorough education and was fluent in both German and Czech. As a young man, he was hired to work at an insurance company where he was quickly promoted despite his desire to devote his time to writing rather than insurance. Over the course of his life, Kafka wrote a great number of stories, letters, and essays, but burned the majority of his work before his death and requested that his friend Max Brod burn the rest. Brod, however, did not fulfill this request and published many of the works in the years following Kafka s death of tuberculosis in 1924. Thus, most of Kafka s works were published posthumously, and he did not live to see them recognized as some of the most important examples of literature of the twentieth century. Kafka s works are considered among the most significant pieces of existentialist writing, and he is remembered for his poignant depictions of internal conflicts with alienation and oppression. Some of Kafka s most famous works include The Metamorphosis, The Trial and The Castle.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 17 people found the following review helpful.
Frustrating to no end - literally
By maina donaldson
Ok, Kafka is never a pleasurable read, but this book is utter garbage. I had to stop reading midway through or I'd have thrown my Kindle against a wall in frustration. Not only is it obvious he has never visited the country he so confidently yet so amateurishly describes, but his protagonist is utterly dumb (as in unintelligent) and completely helpless. There is no reward to the hard work of reading this - the book is unfinished and devoid of any meaning.
I say, stick with his metaphorical works - Der Prozess, Die Verwandlung,... The only thing this book represents is Kafka's uncanny ability to frustrate the reader.

See all 1 customer reviews...

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Amerika (German Edition), by Franz Kafka PDF

Amerika (German Edition), by Franz Kafka PDF
Amerika (German Edition), by Franz Kafka PDF

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