Minggu, 31 Maret 2013

[L397.Ebook] Ebook Download Getting it in the End, by G A Hauser

Ebook Download Getting it in the End, by G A Hauser

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Getting it in the End, by G A Hauser

Getting it in the End, by G A Hauser

Getting it in the End, by G A Hauser

Ebook Download Getting it in the End, by G A Hauser

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Getting it in the End, by G A Hauser

You know him. You've seen him attempt to marry Sharon Tice in A Question of Sex, be swept off his feet by the ex-LAPD cop, Steve Miller in Capital Games, begging forgiveness from his best friend Jack Larsen in When Adam Met Jack, seduced by two young handsome television stars in Playing Dirty, but who is Mark Antonious Richfield? In Los Angeles, California where everyone is a ten, Mark is an eleven. Too gorgeous for everyone's good, Mark is terribly flawed, and knows it. Beating himself up constantly for making bad decisions, Mark tries to please everyone to their peril. But what on earth is going on with Mark now? Still working at Parsons and Company with his loyal lover, Steve, Mark begins modeling on the side. At one of his sessions he meets an old friend who stirs up some forbidden passion. And as usual, Mark Richfield is in the middle of a quagmire without the social skills to make a good decision. Other than his fantastic sex appeal, Mark has one other problem. He loves too much, has too much heart, and craves to be loved in return like he breathes air. Desperately. Find out Mark's side of the story, and fly with him as he falters through his life, trying, pleading, and usually not succeeding. Mark Richfield. Love him or hate him, he is a fascinating study in human nature.

  • Sales Rank: #3406659 in Books
  • Published on: 2010-04-06
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .51" w x 5.25" l, .52 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 224 pages

About the Author
Award-winning author G.A. Hauser was born in Fair Lawn, New Jersey, USA and attended university in New York City. She moved to Seattle, Washington where she worked as a patrol officer with the Seattle Police Department. In early 2000 G.A. moved to Hertfordshire, England where she began her writing in earnest and published her first book, In the Shadow of Alexander. Now a full-time writer, G.A. has written dozens of novels, including several best-sellers of gay fiction. For more information on other books by G.A., visit the author at her official website. www.authorgahauser.com Awards: All Romance eBook- Best Author 2007 and 2008 All Romance eBook- Best novel 2007 Secrets and Misdemeanors All Romance eBook- Best novel 2008 Mile High

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
By C. Nelson
As always Hauser delivers in this tale of Mark and Steven. It's great to see this story line continue and see where G. A.'s imagination takes them. I can't wait to see this through to the end. The characters are well developed and they come to life right off the page, (or in this case off the Kindle Screen. I love it all.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Getting It in the End (Action! 3) by G.A. Hauser
By Elisa
Mark Antonious Richfield is the summa of all the faulty characters by G.A. Hauser; he is weak, flirty, fickle and so damned beautiful and innocent that all his faults are nothing compared to his look, or maybe they only add something to it. But his look is also his damnation, Mark is almost trapped inside it, he has all the men around (and a good handful of women too) in love with him, but it's never enough, he always has the feeling that he is not good looking enough, not submissive enough, not "available" enough. Mark has a strong complex with his late father, a man who always criticized him for being to feminine, not a real man. For a good part of his life Mark tried to play the role of the straight man, arriving even to almost marry. Now that he is in love with Steve and his father is long dead, you would think that he should be happy, but years of mind conditioning took their toll, and truth be told, I don't believe that Mark will ever be a "stable" and "safe" man to love. He is almost like a nympho, he has the urge to seduce every men he meets, and above all, he has the need for every men to love him, not only in a physical way, also the real L word, the unconditionally love. Mark has to provide to the loss of love from his father with the love from his lovers, and don't let me start on the freudian implication of this.

Anyway, if I'm to be true, I didn't like the evolution in the previous book, with Mark and Steve in a foursome with Keith and Carl, not since I didn't like Mark, but since I didn't believe Keith and Carl were the right "men" for Mark. Those two are young and hot, but they are still on the beginning of their life, they take all like a big game. Mark instead needs strong and reassuring men, sorry to continue with the example, but probably he needs a fatherly figure. Steve in a way understands that, and he also understands that, if he wants to take Mark for him, or better with him, he needs to allow him to sometime sidetrack from their relationship. And he adopts the philosophy that it's better to be there to see than eat his liver wondering what it's happening. The other man who Mark needs it's obviously his best friend, and long time chaste lover Jack. Already in the past, when we read about Jack and Adam's story, someone probably wondered about the strange relationship between Mark and Jack, with Mark being almost jealous of his best friend Jack, almost wanting for him to not finding a real love for his own since it would have meant for him to loose his exclusivity. Now in this book, Mark seems to get what he wants, what remains to understand is what role will play Adam in all of this.

There is no doubt that this is a book that not all the most conservative gay romance readers will like. But try to read it from Mark's point of view: he is not a normal man, he will never been a normal man; he learned years ago that, to survive, he had to lean on the people near him, and he clings to them like a safe anchor. One man is not enough, two probably will be, but more are better, since more people around are telling him he is beautiful and unique, more it's probable that he finally will believe it. And if you understand that, you will enter in the fan club of Mark Antonious Richfield, made up of people who decided to judge Mark with a parameter all for him.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
What was the point
By Laura G. Miller
So in the on going saga of Mark Richfield we have sex, dialogue, sex ,sex, talking about having sex, a bit of action that may or may not be a plot, sex, a bit of dialogue and finally more sex.

Monotonous, the sex scenes resemble all the others in past books in this series and in this book. It's all cut and paste. The actions of the characters are just over the top awful.

See all 8 customer reviews...

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Getting it in the End, by G A Hauser PDF

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Getting it in the End, by G A Hauser PDF

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