Senin, 02 Agustus 2010

[S725.Ebook] Download Ebook Quit Acne: The nutritional approach for clear skin, by Lauren Geertsen

Download Ebook Quit Acne: The nutritional approach for clear skin, by Lauren Geertsen

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Quit Acne: The nutritional approach for clear skin, by Lauren Geertsen

Quit Acne: The nutritional approach for clear skin, by Lauren Geertsen

Quit Acne: The nutritional approach for clear skin, by Lauren Geertsen

Download Ebook Quit Acne: The nutritional approach for clear skin, by Lauren Geertsen

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Quit Acne: The nutritional approach for clear skin, by Lauren Geertsen

Your acne is telling you something... and it’s not telling you to invest in a heavy-duty concealer or a pricey facial serum! Your acne is a symptom telling you that something is wrong inside your body.

In Quit Acne, nutritional therapist Lauren Geertsen explains, in her thorough and accessible style, the three primary underlying causes of acne. Then, she equips you with 7 effective and practical dietary practices to address the cause of acne and eliminate it. By following the Quit Acne nutrition protocol, you’ll enjoy radiant, clear skin naturally.

Quit Acne covers key topics, including:

- Why the correct dietary fats are vital for eliminating acne, while other fats cause breakouts.
- The ingredients for clear skin that you can only get from animal sources.
- The one food that wreaks havoc on hormones and exacerbates acne.
- Why going dairy-free isn’t necessarily the best option for clear skin.
- How balanced blood sugar affects the clarity of your skin.

Quit Acne takes a research-backed and ancestral approach to nutrition and is not compatible with a vegan diet; however it can be modified for a vegetarian diet.

*Bonus download included!*
Included with Quit Acne is free access to my digital book "Quit Acne Recipes." You'll get the effective, DIY skincare recipes that, along with the steps in Quit Acne, cleared my skin.

  • Sales Rank: #118491 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2014-08-18
  • Released on: 2014-08-18
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

25 of 25 people found the following review helpful.
Poor structure and uncited
By Jennifer
I'm disappointed with the layout of this book. While I agree with several points in the book, such as that healthy fats are key for optimal nutrition. However, the book itself is poorly organized and not professionally cited (it actually uses very very few citations at all!) Each topic jumped to the next topic jumped to the next topic. For example, the one page discussing omega-3s mentioned three different types of omega-3s that foods provides; however it only gave examples for the ADL type, the only type that we are supposedly supposed to avoid (which includes flaxseed). I went on reading thinking it would tell me what types of foods would provide me with the good type of omega-3, but it jumped right into a different section about omega-6. In addition, there are few to no articles cited for any information given. The author claims that brown rice should be avoided, that white rice is better... Really? I've read different elsewhere. Where is the proof to back up your claims? I wish I could read this in faith, but I can't rely on a kindle book that provides no support cited with the information.

13 of 15 people found the following review helpful.
This book is loaded with the basic tenets for healing ...
By Tricia Lee
This book is loaded with the basic tenets for healing skin. However, there was really nothing new, just a compilation of previous blog posts by the same author. Also, the lack of evidence for stated claims was rife and, as is typical of all e-books there were typos and unclear sentences. Definitely could have used an editor, and I probably should have waited for it to be free.

7 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
Real solutions for better skin! Great book!
By Katja Heino
It's really great to see a book about acne that actually addresses the REAL causes of acne. And one that also addresses healing acne from a nutritional approach. I love Lauren's book QUIT PMS, and this one follows suit by providing well researched information and easy to implement solutions. Her info on estrogen dominance is right on. So important to address the liver. And her nutritional advice is solid. Your skin is a reflection of what is going on on the inside, and acne needs to be approached from a wholistic perspective like Lauren presents. Want to improve your skin? This is the book for you.

See all 96 customer reviews...

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Quit Acne: The nutritional approach for clear skin, by Lauren Geertsen PDF

Quit Acne: The nutritional approach for clear skin, by Lauren Geertsen PDF

Quit Acne: The nutritional approach for clear skin, by Lauren Geertsen PDF
Quit Acne: The nutritional approach for clear skin, by Lauren Geertsen PDF

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