Sabtu, 31 Januari 2015

[A467.Ebook] Ebook Download Landscape Painted with Tea, by Milorad Pavic

Ebook Download Landscape Painted with Tea, by Milorad Pavic

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Landscape Painted with Tea, by Milorad Pavic

Landscape Painted with Tea, by Milorad Pavic

Landscape Painted with Tea, by Milorad Pavic

Ebook Download Landscape Painted with Tea, by Milorad Pavic

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Landscape Painted with Tea, by Milorad Pavic

By the author of the highly acclaimed literary bestseller "Dictionary of the Khazars, " "Landscape Painted with Tea, " Milorad Pavic's second novel, is a tale of mysterious quest that is part modern Odyssey and part crossword puzzle. It begins with the story of a brilliant but failed architect in Belgrade and his search for his father, an officer who vanished in Greece during World War II. The truth about his fate--some of it set in motion 2,000 years ago and some of it by the Nazis-- is raveled in the history and secrets of Mount Athos, the most ancient of all monasteries, perched atop its inaccessible mountain on the Aegean.

  • Sales Rank: #544951 in Books
  • Published on: 1991-10-01
  • Released on: 1991-10-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.50" h x 1.00" w x 5.50" l, .75 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 352 pages

Language Notes
Text: English (translation)
Original Language: Serbo-Croation

Most helpful customer reviews

31 of 31 people found the following review helpful.
One of the best novels ever written!
By A Customer
Milorad Pavic has been my favourite writer since I chanced upon a copy of Dictionary of the Khazars in 1993. Everything about that novel was enthralling, and I wondered how he would ever be able to equal it. So I approached Landscape Painted With Tea with some trepidation. However, in my view, it is superior to Dictionary, in language, themes, plot, ideas, conceits, characters, and everything else you can imagine. Most of the reviews I've read concerning Landscape are cautious, usually praising its originality but expressing doubts about the rigidity of its structure. Take it from me, this novel is beautifully constructed, but unlike Dictionary, an appreciation of its complex structure isn't necessary for an engrossing read. However, the reason I prefer it to Dictionary is because of its extreme lyricism -- Pavic's style is phenomenal. His use of outrageous metaphors, stupendous conceits and absurdly profound dialogue is intoxicating, like angel-flavoured absinthe. Anyway, the point of this review is to express my enormous love for Pavic's fiction, and this novel in particular. He's knocked most of my other favourite writers down like skittles. Indeed, I find myself growing increasingly bored with all other writers, and I find myself waiting for his new books like an impatient lover.

26 of 27 people found the following review helpful.
Lyrical and Playful
By A Customer
It's difficult to comment on this book because this is a book that almost defies comment. One has simply read it...or one hasn't. It is the lucky one who has.
In this lyrical and playful novel, Milorad Pavic tells the story of Belgrade architect, Atanas Svilar and his journey through life, a journey he hopes will answer the question, "why had his life been barren and futile, despite the enormous effort invested?"
His journey leads him to an ancient monastery on Mount Athos in Greece, that holy mountain reserved for men, a mountain where no woman has set foot for centuries, the mountain where Atanas' father disappeared during World War II.
Since Atanas doesn't find all he is seeking on Mount Athos, in Book Two, he abandons his family, changes his name to Atanas Fyodorovich Razin and moves to the United States with the beautiful Vitacha Milut. There, something goes his way at last, and he becomes wealthy, at least in a material sense.
Like Pavic's first book, "Dictionary of the Khazars," "Landscape Painted With Tea," is a playful enterprise containing chapters that can be read "down" or "across," much in the same way a crossword puzzle is read. The person who solves the solution to the ultimate puzzle is said to have the key to the solution to the puzzle of life. While I didn't find the key to life in these pages, I did find fun and enjoyment, and, not surprisingly, quite a bit of beauty. So much so that I'm recommending the book to all of my friends.
If stark realism is what you enjoy, you'd probably be better off skipping this book. Those who love writers who can spin magic with words, who are playful and inventive as well as creative, will no doubt love "Landscape Painted With Tea" as much as I did. "Dictionary of the Khazars" made me a Pavic fan; "Landscape Painted With Tea" has simply cemented my admiration for this playful and inventive author.

23 of 27 people found the following review helpful.
Knees Need To Read, Thumbs Only Twiddle
By Bob Newman
As exceptional Serbian author, Milorad Pavic always says, "The future always starts from the large intestine." This may be taken as either prophecy or advice. In either case, you should begin the rest of your future by getting ahold of this novel. Of course, as he says, "Whoever wants the second half of life has to remain in the first half of everything else." Let's hope this does not mean your large intestine. But if we concentrate on Pavic' story, rather than on his aphorisms, I think we can quickly conclude the dude is a genius, though one who is not easily understood. What can we say about a heroine who falls in love with you, the reader ? The protagonist with several pasts has several futures too. He is a Yugoslav architect whose designs are never built, but in one future he builds exact replicas of Tito's luxury palaces in the New World. His father was a Yugoslav soldier who disappeared in Greece, or else he was a Russian mathematician who could shovel snow extremely well. The hero winds up extremely rich, but lonely. Or maybe lonely, but extremely rich. Does it have to do with those people who like to work in sync with others or those who prefer to be lone wolves ? Pasts intersect and divide, the future is over though it hasn't started either. Yes, you will dig the leaping non-sequiturs that lead to larger truths or else you will be left scratching your head. Hey, if you always admired Bob Dylan's great songs like "Subterranean Homesick Blues" or if you found Dali's paintings intriguing, you are going to grok this novel in all its fullness. If however, you want a linear, conventional book, forget this one completely.
"All readers of this book are entirely imaginary. Any resemblance to actual readers is coincidental." M. Pavic So be warned.
When I was very little, I had a small purple stone which I swallowed. I never let on to anyone. I felt purple inside. So when I saw a purple stripe on the cover of this book in the library, I knew I would either read it or eat it. Now I can't remember what happened, but as a character exclaims in LANDSCAPE PAINTED WITH TEA, "In sleep, one doesn't age." The same is true with volumes in your stomach. Or was that `brain' ? You can read this book like a crossword puzzle---literally. The author took great pains in its construction, which recalls (Argentine author) Julio Cortazar in some bizarre way. I read the novel in the conventional fashion (or I ate it with a knife and fork) not because I have a stolid or military personality, as Pavic would claim, but because I admire turtles, who always take the shortest route to the pond. The Tajiks say that eels never swim towards the sun. The readers of this book will not wind up enlightened either, but they will be delighted by the author's wit and imagination. Or they will get a stomach ache.

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Jumat, 30 Januari 2015

[C447.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Chrysler Performance Upgrades (S-A Design), by Frank Adkins

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Chrysler Performance Upgrades (S-A Design), by Frank Adkins

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Chrysler Performance Upgrades (S-A Design), by Frank Adkins

Written for the "nuts and bolts" level Chrysler enthusiast, this book covers virtually every aspect of performance improvement including engine swaps, suspension upgrades, transmission mods, brake improvements, rear end interchanges, etc. Ten chapters cover all aspects of performance improvement on Chrysler muscle and performance cars of the '60s and '70s. Included is information on installing an electronic ignition and electronically regulated charging systems for vehicles not so equipped.

  • Sales Rank: #1100168 in Books
  • Brand: Sa Design
  • Published on: 1999-08-23
  • Ingredients: Example Ingredients
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 11.00" h x .37" w x 8.50" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 112 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
By St**i R***e
Excellent quality, Awesome, as discribed, quick ship good seller, would reccomend. It's an awesome how to book, what else is there to say; get your's today!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Pretty good.
By James M. Warren
Not much engine tech but lots of other good stuff. It provides suspension and brake upgrade info not found elsewhere.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Great Book by Frank Adkins
By Don L.
This is a great book for performance upgrades for Chrysler vehicles. Frank Adkins is a Chrysler trained mechanic and knows his material. I have found this book to be a great help in many areas of upgrades, from fuel systems to brake upgrades. This book is a must when working on Mopars.

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Perry Mason: The Case of the Empty Tin, by Erle Stanley Gardner

  • Published on: 1958
  • Binding: Paperback

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Jumat, 23 Januari 2015

[I398.Ebook] Ebook Diva: The Totally Unauthorized Biography of Whitney Houston, by Jeffrey Bowman

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Diva: The Totally Unauthorized Biography of Whitney Houston, by Jeffrey Bowman

Featuring an introduction by bestselling biographer Randy Taraborrelli (Call Her Miss Ross; Michael Jackson--The Magic and the Madness), this compelling expose goes behind the glamour and glitz of her Whitney Houston's public persona to reveal how this determined young woman made it to the top. 8-page photo insert.

  • Sales Rank: #2609410 in Books
  • Published on: 1995-02
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 6.75" h x 4.25" w x 1.00" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 293 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Love my Jersey Girl !
By robin
Whitney was/is and always will be a diva....nothing wrong with that and we are all only human after all and not perfect.....she always remembered where she came from....anything written about her - take it with a grain of salt .

1 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
My review
By Lexi
The book looked and smelled very old. the pages were so yellow I thought they would tear. Awful!! Never again

0 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
I very pleased with the item Whitney Houston the Diva
By lorri
Very Pleased! great shaped, loke new could not be any happier! Thanks Lori It came very quickly. I had good commuateing with people selling the book. It came on time. It was greatly packaged.

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Kamis, 22 Januari 2015

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Arabesque: A Taste of Morocco, Turkey, and Lebanon

  • Published on: 1600
  • Binding: Hardcover

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Selasa, 13 Januari 2015

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L'Arbre Genereux (The Giving Tree), French Edition

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L'Arbre Genereux (The Giving Tree), French Edition

  • Sales Rank: #8967648 in Books
  • Published on: 1900
  • Binding: Hardcover

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L'Arbre Genereux (The Giving Tree), French Edition PDF